Monthly Archives: December 2013

The HerStories Project!

I planned to write my own post about this day, but I am sick in bed with strep throat. Thankfully, the awesome editors of The Herstories Project wrote the words below about this project. I will say that being selected to be a part of this project is a true honor, and has been a huge inspiration (kick in the butt) to get back to writing. I am thrilled to share this with you.

I have some exciting news to share with you all today! Today is Launch Day for The HerStories Project: Women Explore the Joy, Pain, and Power of Female Friendship. I am proud to announce that I am one of 50 fantastic contributors to this new anthology, including a foreword from Jill Smokler of Scary Mommy. This collection of essays about women’s friendship is a reflection of just how important these relationships can be.

All women’s friendships tell a story: these sacred bonds define us, and contain our history within walls that are both fragile and powerful. The girlfriend who held your hand during a time of intense grief. The best friend who broke your heart. The woman who helped you find your footing and retain your sanity as a mother. The friendship that turned toxic. The person you don’t think you could survive without. The bonds of female friendship are among the most essential and distinct of all relationships. The friendships in the life of a woman serve as mirrors, reflecting who she was, how she has evolved, and revealing what she needs and craves in her life.

In this book, 50 women writers paint real pictures of friendship; in addition to paying homage to the beauty and power of their relationships, they share the gritty details of bitter friendship breakups and uncomfortable life transitions. This anthology will enable readers to find their own stories in the words of others, cause them to reflect on their own unique friendship history, and perhaps even inspire them to rekindle connections with women who have shaped them. The authors of this book share their stories of friendship loss, enduring bonds from childhood, navigating the transition to motherhood, and renegotiating the role of friendship in their adult lives. The diverse essays in this collection will evoke tears, laughter, and a deep recognition and appreciation for the friends with whom women everywhere share their lives.

You can learn more about our project and our fantastic contributors at The HerStories Project website (, and our book is now available on Amazon! For our Launch Day today, we would love your support. You can buy a copy of our book—available here in paperback and Kindle– and spread the word to your friends! We think the book would make a fantastic holiday gift for women- the perfect present for your girlfriend or sister.

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